Duration 15:46

I've never seen Morgz cry before (scary)

2 462 246 watched
43.6 K
Published 22 May 2019

MORGZ & MORGZ MUM vs SCARY PROJECT ZORGO HACKERS Who BROKE IN To The MORGZ MANSION!! (insanely scary) ►►NEW ROYAL BLUE MGZ MERCH OUT SATURDAY @ https://www.morgz.co & https://www.teespring.com/stores/morgz WARNING: This is a dramatic production of fictional events for entertainment value and involves dangerous situations. All participants are trained professionals in controlled environments. Do not attempt or re-create any of the activities depicted herein without consulting your parents, guardians, and/or the proper authorities or trained professionals. —————————| BE ACTIVE FOR A FOLLOW |------------------- ►FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/morgzmum ►FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/BigJillHudson ►FOLLOW MORGZ ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/MorgzHudson —————————| MERCHANDISE |————————— ► MORGZ’S MERCH: http://www.morgz.co ►Morgz’s Merch Twitter: https://twitter.com/MorgzMerch —————————| OTHER |————————— ►BUSINESS ENQUIRIES: officialmorgangaminghd@gmail.com ►TRANSLATE THIS VIDEO FOR A FREE SHOUTOUT /timedtext_cs_p ... #TEAMMUM #TEAMMORGZ


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