Duration 2:13

Iran to release five U.S. prisoners in exchange for jailed Iranians, frozen funds

684 watched
Published 11 Aug 2023

미•이란, 수감자 교환협상 타결 "韓동결 이란 자금 해제 합의" Iran is set to free 5 imprisoned American citizens in exchange for five of its own citizens detained in the U.S..and.access to 6 billion dollars of funds frozen in South Korea. Tehran also reportedly says the Americans currently under house arrest in Iran can return to the U.S.,.. once the funds are secured. Choi Min-jung reports. The United States and Iran have reached a deal to swap prisoners,.. marking an encouraging development in their rocky relationship. Sources familiar with the matter said the two countries have reached an agreement to free Americans, in exchange for several jailed Iranians in the U.S., as well as access to billions of U.S. dollars in Iranian funds frozen in South Korea. The U.S. State Department on Thursday confirmed that its citizens were released from prison and are currently under house arrest in Iran. "First, it's a positive step that they were released from prison and sent to home detention. But this is just the beginning of a process that I hope and expect will lead to their return home to the United States." It's reportedly known that the five Americans will be allowed to leave Iran, once Tehran secures the 6 billion U.S. dollars worth of oil payments frozen in South Korea due to U.S. sanctions. According to the Iranian foreign ministry, the process of releasing the funds is underway. However, the U.S. clarified that the funds could only be used for humanitarian purposes, like buying food or medicine. "Iran's own funds would be used and transferred to restricted accounts such that the monies can only be used for humanitarian purposes, which, as you know, is permitted under our sanctions." The rare deal between Washington and Tehran reportedly comes after at least two years of negotiations. Though it is viewed as a positive step to their relations, there is also criticism that the funds allocated for humanitarian goods could be used for Irans's nuclear program. Choi Min-jung, Arirang News. #Iran #5_American_citizens #Iranian_funds #release #exchange #deal #White_House #negotiations #UnitedStates #US_prisoners #asset #미국 #이란 #Arirang_News #아리랑뉴스 📣 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/arirangtvnews 📣 Twitter : https://twitter.com/arirangtvnews 📣 Homepage : https://v2.arirang.com/ 2023-08-11, 12:00 (KST)


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