Duration 14:52

The road not taken class 9 | the road not taken robert frost | the road not taken in hindi | Vishal

392 watched
Published 26 Jul 2020

The road not taken class 9 | the road not taken robert frost | the road not taken in hindi | Vishal sir Important english video link /watch/Q47q2xYOH40Oq A photograph poem 11 class cbse Vishal Sir /watch/MNxOetj8-bh8O The portrait of a lady hornbill 11class cbse by Vishal Sir /watch/wtTNkmCmzWKmN The tale of melon city Hornbill 11 class cbse by Vishal Sir /watch/wXc0jeiYWAFY0 The last lesson flamingo part 1 12 class in hindi by Vishal Sir /watch/gyBItMS7OXv7I The last lesson flamingo class 12 hindi part 2 by Vishal Sir /watch/g-KaH2FKupAKa my mother at sixtysix poem in hindi class 12 by Vishal Sir /watch/UWzI0vv2F8C2I poem explain in hindi my mother at sixty six flamingo by Vishal Sir /watch/IQIwIIIX3lqXw Note making tips and tricks class 12 cbse ncert bhai Vishal Sir /watch/wvgtQN-ONxDOt The third level vistas class 12 in hindi cbse by Vishal Sir /watch/kE0z43DpWuHpz An elementary school classroom in a slum flamingo 2 lesson by Vishal Sir /watch/ckqP1vwe69ueP keeping quiet poem in hindi class 12 chapter 3 by Vishal Sir /watch/wXc0jeiYWAFY0 the last lesson class 12th explain in Hindi CBSE by Vishal Sir /watch/AaomzDkIXJ8Im the road not taken robert frost class 9 in hindi by Vishal Sir /watch/sbeJF1ZD2n9DJ ThE adventure of foto in hindi class 9 first flight by Vishal Sir /watch/E7OE9o-HNImHE health care class 9 in hindi by Vishal Sir /watch/kheuHrMmj9Rmu class 9 how to look after patient by Vishal Sir /watch/0I9hztpOcifOh dust of snow poem in hindi robert frost class 10 by Vishal Sir /watch/o90SPq-n_jQnS a letter to God full chapter explain in Hindi by Vishal Sir /watch/Q3mySlfct3Vcy for anne Gregory class 10th poem explain in Hindi by vishal sir /watch/kcmfW9B69mu6f a letter to god summary in Hindi by Vishal Sir /watch/geOItVC3ggb3I fog poem explain in hindi class 10 by vishal sir The Road Not Taken  Robert Frost Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. The Road Not Taken" is a poem by Robert frost published in 1916 as the first poem in the collection mountain intervel  Its central theme is the divergence of paths, both literally and figuratively, although its interpretation is noted for being complex and potentially divergent. History Frost spent the years 1912 to 1915 in England, where among his acquaintances was the writer Edward Thomas. Thomas and Frost became close friends and took many walks together. After Frost returned to New Hampshire in 1915, he sent Thomas an advance copy of "The Road Not Taken". Thomas took the poem seriously and personally, and it may have been significant in Thomas' decision to enlist in World war 1st Thomas was killed two years later in the battles of arraw "The Road Not Taken" is a  poem. It reads naturally or conversationally and begins as a kind of photographic depiction of a quiet moment in yellow woods. It consists of four stanzas of 5 lines each. With the rhyming scheme as 'ABAAB' the first line rhymes with the third and fourth, and the second line rhymes with the fifth. The meter is basically with each line having four two-syllable feet, though in almost every line, in different positions, an iamb is replaced with an anapest. The variation of the rhythm gives naturalness, a feeling of thought occurring spontaneously, and it also affects the reader's sense of expectation.In the only line that contains strictly iambs, the more regular rhythm supports the idea of a turning towards an acceptance of a kind of reality: "Though as for that the passing there … " In the final line, the way the rhyme and rhythm work together is significantly different, and catches the reader off guard. It is one of Frost's most popular works. Some have said that it is one of his most misunderstood poems, claiming that it is not simply a poem that champions the idea of "following your own path", but that the poem, they suggest, expresses some irony regarding that idea. Frost's biographer Lawrance Thompson suggests that the poem's narrator is "one who habitually wastes energy in regretting any choice made: belatedly but wistfully he sighs over the attractive alternative rejected".


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